Monday 25 November 2013

New Hair Colour: Caramel Blonde

Well this isn't a real post but more of an update. I changed my hair colour y'all... But this is not the final product as I am yet to get my hair permed (Momma is gonna be so proud lol).

So I took out the weave cause my scalp is really damaged as all year round I haven't gone a day with my natural hair and I was really neglecting my scalp, therefore I've decided to give my hair and scalp a breathing break. Mind you, I actually dyed the hair myself, just didn't feel like paying a lot of money for something so simple, I used Inecto hair dye in caramel blonde.

I said bye bye to the weave :(, lol just took a random pic here forgive.

Just me damaging my hair with dye. kthnxbye

This is after I cut my hair and before I hair dried it

This is the final colour, I'm pleased with it though. Just look how brittle my hair looks.

Woke up today and my hair had taken this really ugly form, I just, I can't

I really have to have this hair permed, I actually hate how it currently looks :(
Ugh, can't wait to get this ugly do permed. As I said at the beginning of the post this is not real post.
Till Next Time ♥

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