Saturday, 5 October 2013

Spring and Flower crown lovin'

Finally Spring in South Africa is no longer "around the corner" or "knocking" but it has now entered. Boy am I excited (I'm sure you can tell just by me using the word 'boy', haha). Well since I am a self proclaimed Tumblr girl, not the thigh gap (although I would appreciated one), curly Ombre-Hair obsessed girl, but I'm the type that finds inspiration for tomorrows outfit on Tumblr type of Tumblr girl. Now if you follow all the type of blogs I follow you probably get exposed to thousands of Tumblr posts on flower crowns donned by the likes of Lana Del Rey and lately Katy Perry made the look hers on her new song, ROAR. So of course I have to confess that in South Africa we are kind of fashion backward, not because we don't know how to dress but because we get to experiment with these fashion trends months after America has worn them, and what is to blame the difference in seasons at different times of the year.
Anyway I kind of skidded off topic there, so with Spring here I found it as the perfect opportunity to let my Tumblr girl side free, so I went online, well in all honesty I'm always online, and I surfed the internet for Flower crowns and my first reaction was "OMG, Why are they so expensive", so being the creative I am I decided to make my own "YAAAAY", and it literally cost me less than R50.00 to make it compared to the R500.00 I would have spent.
And not to be selfish I decided to share the video with all of you other Tumblr Hipster at heart girls out there. Hope you all found this helpful, till next time ♥.

So here are the two flower crowns I made aren't they lovely? Well as promised here is the link to the video D.IY: Katy Perry and Lana Del Rey inspired Flowercrown headband

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