Wednesday, 30 October 2013

My day, My hair and Outfit of The Day

Hello everybody, so today I just decided to share my day with you all. I think since I did a similar post yesterday, this will be kind of  the last "My Day" post I do in a while. So today was the last day of attending classes, as we have to prepare for the exams now, with that being said I am sure you all can pick up that nothing of significance happened. Today's weather was horrible, as it was raining and I just do not like rain in summer at all since I never know what to wear and I just don't like putting on too much clothing.

So since today I knew that I wasn't going to be bumping into many people I really neglected my hair and make-up, but my Indian weave never ceases to disappoint as it obeyed and didn't really reflect how lazy master was this morning.
For my outfit I went for this pink top which is easily my favourite as it does not require me to wear a bra (don't judge) I really just don't like bras. I then opted for my torn jeans and my brown leather boots, which is always a combination that never fails me and to tie this outfit together I wore my denim crop jacket. In case you're worried that I went out like this, I actually also had a navy leather jacket on which I don't even know why I didn't take a picture wearing it.
Top: Mr. Price Boots: Woolworths

Below I was going to post a picture of what I used to achieve the perfect catseye (read on to see why I didn't), and you will never see me with unpainted nails, cause I have this obsession with "essence" nail polishes. I decided to only paint my tips in turquoise and my ring finger in red...LOVE IT. I was seriously going to post a picture of my nail vanish from essence and my liquid eyeliner also from essence but left the pictures on my friends laptop which  I used to start this post. Please accept my apologies. Fortunately for everyone I will be posting that tomorrow. Anyway this is just a lazy post to update you lovlies... Till next time ♥

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

How To Clean Your Make-Up Brushes

So I'm not an avid make-up wearer, but when I have to attend special events then it's a must as I like looking presentable. Since I do not wear make up on a daily basis, I didn't really clean my make-up brushes, so my skin decided to give me a reminder by acting up and that is when I kind of figured out it's about time I clean my brushes.
Use baby shampoo as this is gentle for the skin because it is meant for babies after all. I like the Clicks brand one as it is mildly scented and it smells divine.

Click Baby Shampoo: R21 @ Clicks

My make-up brushes were disgusting as you can see, ugh, can't believe how negligent I am.
Make up brushes from signature. Eyelas tools from dischem
After you've collected all your make-up brushes, soak them in warm water with a drop of the baby shampoo. After 2minutes just swirl the brushes in the water a bit. 
Look at me being all ratchet and soaking them in my shake cup. Got it at clicks

Then just rinse your make-up brushes under cold water and reshape them if necessary. After that roll a towel or napkin (like I showed in the picture), and place your make-up brushes facing down to dry.
Remember to wash them regularly to prevent them from looking like mine :).
Till next time ♥

My day: Outfit, Nerves, Library Goodluck wishes and The presentation

This is a fairly long post if you're not into reading then my sincere apologies :). So to those who are friends with me on Facebook may have stumbled across a status I wrote last night about having to prepare for a presentation for today. Usually feeling nervous before a presentation is not my thing but this time around my stomach was in knots. So I woke up and decided not have any breakfast (Which was not a good decision) but instead just drink hot water with lemon slices as I usually do in the mornings (note: I am not doing this to lose weight as many people may think, but for my skin). Now a mistake I did was sleeping late and so I woke up drained and had to rush to campus so I just pulled out the first items that were peeping from my wardrobe, I went for these pants (don't know what colour they are LOL) this cute white shirt, a pair of black Chuck Taylors and I am not proud to say that I didn't put ANY effort on the hair *cringes*.

So on my way to the library to prepare (yes even more, I'm a perfectionist okay) I "kinda sorta maybe" bumped into someone, no not my boyfriend (cause I don't have one) and we started chatting, I have to say the conversation just came naturally which is rare in my case when someone makes me nervous, so he wished me goodluck, which I guess instead of calming me down it just gave me flutterbies (the cartoon way of saying butterflies, forgive me haha), but I won't be getting into detail about this guy as he may just stumble upon this post and think that I'm a creep, therefore topic sealed.  
So going back to the topic of my outfit, I don't usually accessorise but today I donned a couple of rings, I think this has been my latest obsession actually. I just love how "girly gangster" it looks when you wear multiple rings at once, what do you guys think? YAY or NAY? The rings are in silver and I got them from Mr. Price for about R3O.OO and they came in a packet of about 8 or 10. Bless them.

So this was rather a long post and if you have read this far then I am thankful. So of course as you have read there was nothing interesting about my day but this was to share more about my day before the presentation. By the way this was a Marketing presentation, so after I shaked, shivered and sweated my lecturer said "Well done, you're about the only student who wasn't reading from your notes. Fairly interesting presentation" (Well this was before the exchange students presented). Kind of expected my lecturer to say "OMG Tabela you're so fabulous, guuuuuuurl, you did yo thang and you deserve 1OO%", or am I pushing it haha. Just to show how long the presentation was below is the file I kept all of the notes.

 So this was my day how was yours? Do share!
Till next time ♥

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Testing Testing

Okay just testing if the new email works, guys please subscribe to my blog :)

Monday, 21 October 2013

How to be a successful YouTuber?

Before I started my YouTube channel I think that "How to be a successful YouTuber" is something I researched on a lot, not because I wanted to be YouTube ''famous'', but simply because I wanted to deliver quality content for my subscribers. So after weeks of procrastinating on starting the channel (because that is what I do best), and because I don't own a laptop to edit  my videos with, I finally made my first video which got me to 10 subscribers (I am now on 17 subscribers, and fairly happy with that number) and it is now on 301+ views.
To be honest I don't think that I've enjoyed doing something as much as I enjoy filming and editing videos for YouTube. Then I just came to a stop (not really a stop more like a break) on making videos for YouTube because I can't edit them due to a lack of resources to edit them, in simpler terms I don't own a laptop. Reason I don't own a laptop is because my mother has been promising me a laptop now for months (resisted the urge to write it out as mooooooooonths). So you're probably like, err well if you don't own a laptop how come you own a camera and tripod in order to record the videos, well my father got me the camera last December before he found it appropriate to desert me and act like he no longer has a daughter (my life is pretty hard, but that's a story for another day). For now I'm just putting up this post to let the masses know why I'm taking a break on YouTube and why I am neglecting my blog. So till next time... Ciao

Saturday, 5 October 2013

D.I.Y: Katy Perry and Lana Del Rey inspired FLOWERCROWN headband

A few seconds ago I posted about flower crown lovin' and all, I also added a link to the video on the blog, but to those who don't read to the bottom of blog posts here is the video:
Till next time ♥

Spring and Flower crown lovin'

Finally Spring in South Africa is no longer "around the corner" or "knocking" but it has now entered. Boy am I excited (I'm sure you can tell just by me using the word 'boy', haha). Well since I am a self proclaimed Tumblr girl, not the thigh gap (although I would appreciated one), curly Ombre-Hair obsessed girl, but I'm the type that finds inspiration for tomorrows outfit on Tumblr type of Tumblr girl. Now if you follow all the type of blogs I follow you probably get exposed to thousands of Tumblr posts on flower crowns donned by the likes of Lana Del Rey and lately Katy Perry made the look hers on her new song, ROAR. So of course I have to confess that in South Africa we are kind of fashion backward, not because we don't know how to dress but because we get to experiment with these fashion trends months after America has worn them, and what is to blame the difference in seasons at different times of the year.
Anyway I kind of skidded off topic there, so with Spring here I found it as the perfect opportunity to let my Tumblr girl side free, so I went online, well in all honesty I'm always online, and I surfed the internet for Flower crowns and my first reaction was "OMG, Why are they so expensive", so being the creative I am I decided to make my own "YAAAAY", and it literally cost me less than R50.00 to make it compared to the R500.00 I would have spent.
And not to be selfish I decided to share the video with all of you other Tumblr Hipster at heart girls out there. Hope you all found this helpful, till next time ♥.

So here are the two flower crowns I made aren't they lovely? Well as promised here is the link to the video D.IY: Katy Perry and Lana Del Rey inspired Flowercrown headband